Beds for Kids Donation Program
When Summit County Children Services social workers enter homes to assess concerns of child abuse and neglect, they frequently find children without safe sleeping conditions. When the family has limited or no resources to provide a bed or crib, SCCS caseworkers turn to this program for help.
As a public, levy-funded agency, SCCS is limited in its ability to use taxpayer dollars for certain expenses, including the purchase of beds (except in situations of extreme emergency). Our Beds for Kids program is largely dependent on funds donated to the agency.
A donation of any amount is helpful. A new twin-size bed or crib can be purchased for around $220 to $240 respectively. Donations of new twin or crib bedding, sheets, blankets and pillows are also needed.
Download information about the Beds for Kids Program.
Donate to the Beds for Kids Program.
For more information, please call our Community Relations Department at (330) 379-1994 or email Sandy DeLuca.