
Organization Chart

The organization chart describes the overall organization of the agency.

Agency Organization Chart, August 2022

Memorandum of Understanding

The Summit County Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Address Child Abuse and Neglect is determined to be compliant with the requirements
of the Ohio Administrative Code rule 5101:2-33-26 by the Ohio Department of Job& Family Services and is effective as of October 18, 2023.  This MOU
supersedes any previous memorandum.

Summit County Memorandum of Understanding to Address Child Abuse and Neglect 2023

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is reviewed and updated every five years. This report projects a vision for improvements to service througout the agency.

Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Civil Rights Plan, ADA Plan and LEP Plan

Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rule 5101:9-2-01 requires each county agency/OMJ to develop a civil rights plan, limited English proficiency (LEP) plan and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) plan to ensure that county agencies and county contractors comply with this rule and all applicable federal and state civil rights laws, rules, and regulations.

Civil Rights Plan 2024-2026

Multiethnic Placement Act

Ohio Administrative Code Rule 5101:2-33-11 | Multiethnic Placement (MEPA) agency administrative requirements – requires each Ohio public children services agency to develop a MEPA policy to ensure that county agencies and county contractors comply with this rule and all applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations.

MEPA JFS 01611

SCCS Standards of Conduct-MEPA

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