Following the transition out of SCCS care, young adults in need of assistance, can contact the agency Hotline at 330-434-KIDS (5437) to request assistance. The Emancipated Youth Specialist, Cheyenne Boyd, can provide information, referrals, and resources as needed.
Bridges is a voluntary program available to young adults who left foster care in Ohio at ages 18, 19 or 20 and who are in school, working, participating in an employment program, or have a medical condition that prevents them from going to school or working. The program provides guidance and support as they transition to adulthood. Bridges provides a wide range of supportive services tailored to participants’ unique needs. Through regular meetings with Bridges representatives, participants develop goals, learn skills, and access services related to everything from employment and education to health care and household maintenance. All services are designed to help former foster youth become successful, self-sufficient adults.
Bridges is administered by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services through a contract with The Child and Family Health Collaborative of Ohio, LLC. The collaborative works in partnership with member agencies throughout the state to provide housing and supportive services to eligible young adults in each of five regions: Northeast, Southeast, Central, Northwest and Southwest. All service-providing agencies have demonstrated expertise in helping young adults transition from the child welfare system to adulthood.
Street Outreach Services program engages at-risk youth up to age 22 through harm reduction and trauma informed approaches to build healthy, trusting relationships between youth and the qualified staff who provide direction and support. Services provided include the following:
The Drop-In Center provides food, clothing, showers, laundry facilities, computer access, and emotional support. If you are in need of services, call the 24 hour hotline: 330-253-7632.
The Ohio Education and Training Voucher Program
The Ohio ETV program is a federally-funded, state-administered program designed to help youth who were in U.S. foster care. Students may receive up to $5,000 a year for qualified school related expenses. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students. Applicants must complete the ETV application which includes documentation each semester that is sent directly from the school to ETV confirming enrollment, the cost of attendance (COA) and unmet need. ETV funding is for a maximum of 5 years (consecutive or intermittent). Eligibility requirements for current or former foster students include at least one of the following: being in U.S. foster care on your 18th birthday and aged out at that time; being in foster care, legal custody, or guardianship to a kinship caregiver at or after age 16; was adopted from U.S. foster care at age 16 and older; or will have your foster care case closed between the age of 18 and 21.
In Addition:
50 Things to Do to Help Someone Get Ready for Life on Their Own
There are many ways to help teens get ready for life on their own.