Public Records


Under Ohio law, you have the right to inspect or obtain copies of public records maintained by Summit County Children Services (SCCS).  SCCS has a written public records policy and procedure, a copy of which can be readily obtained upon request at the SCCS visitor reception areas or from the SCCS Custodian of Records.

Public Records Requests

Request for Confidential Information/Records

All other requests for public records and questions surrounding the availability of records shall be directed to the attention of:

Records Custodian
Michelle Mitchell, Quality Improvement Coordinator
Summit County Children Services
264 S. Arlington Street
Akron, OH 44306
Phone: (330) 996-2035  |  Fax: (330) 379-1850
Email: [email protected]

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Foster or Adopt

With nearly 800 children in our custody, SCCS relies on the selflessness of our community to foster or adopt children in need.

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We have year-round activities the success of which is dependent on the generosity of our community.

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