Placement and Protective Specialized Services Staff Contact List

Below you will find the contact information for the staff members of the Placement & Protective Specialized Services staff. Click here for a printable version of the Staff Contact List.

Placement Services Department
NameE-mail AddressPhone Number
Trina Danzy, Department DirectorTrina Danzy, Department DirectorTraci Foley, Department Director

[email protected]

(330) 379-1814
Margaret Cross, Administrative Manager

[email protected]

(330) 379-1912
Foster Care
Beth Kinney, Supervisor

 [email protected]

(330) 379-2068
Lynne Brady[email protected](330) 996-1029
Brenda Brunson[email protected](330) 996-1022
Delilah Davis[email protected](330) 379-1851
Christopher Dibble[email protected](330) 379-1835S
Stephani Hickle[email protected](330) 996-1065
Jennifer Biggin[email protected](330) 379-2043
Amy Peresta[email protected](330) 996-1791
Maureen Flynn, Supervisor[email protected](330) 996-1031
Robin Smith[email protected](330) 379-1845
Tammy Luhring[email protected](330) 996-1005
Laurie Marniella[email protected](330) 996-1075
Jennifer Nichols[email protected](330) 379-2056
Mary Roberts[email protected](330) 375-1696
Kinship Assessment & KPI
Johnna Myers, Supervisor[email protected](330) 379-1985
Tracy Alford-Smith[email protected](330) 996-1060
Danielle Edgars[email protected](330) 379-2063
Dan Gear[email protected](330) 379-1803
Anne Harrison[email protected](330) 996-1786
Julie Kirven[email protected](330) 996-1789
Patty Lott

[email protected]

(330) 379-1904
Kristine Ruiz[email protected](330) 379-1992
Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) 

(330) 996-1799
Option 2

Independent Living
Sara Woolridge, Supervisor[email protected](330) 379-1877
Luann Auerbach[email protected](330) 375- 1195
Cheyenne Boyd[email protected](330) 379-1874
Jeannie Cargil[email protected](330) 996-7256
Jennifer Cranston[email protected](330) 996-1064
Patrice Henderson[email protected]330) 996-5981
Protective Specialized Services
Tracy Mayfield, Department Head[email protected] (330)996-7255
Patricia Ligotti, Administrative Assistant[email protected](330) 379-2111
Permanency Planning/Adoption
Nikaeda Griffie, Supervisor[email protected](330) 996-1069
Darlene Neff[email protected](330) 379-1947
Judith Sturgill[email protected](330) 379-1812
Alaina Ondash[email protected](330) 996-1794
 Adoption Finalization 
Michelle Wood, Supervisor[email protected](330) 375-1675
Karen Greenberg[email protected](330) 996-1055
Todd Kutzera[email protected](330) 379-1991
Jonathan Nichols[email protected](330) 379-2114
Kristine Robinson[email protected](330) 379-1811
Independent Living/Teen Permanency/Transitional Housing

Anutanne Hammond, Supervisor

[email protected](330) 379-2110
Sara Bishop[email protected](330) 379-2069
Megan Chilson[email protected](330) 379-2050
Lisa Hamilton-Green[email protected] 
Sean McKinney

[email protected]

(330) 996-1061
Casandra Roberts[email protected](330) 379-1842
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