Summit County Children Services (SCCS) offers a number of post-adoption services. These services are open to anyone who has adopted through the SCCS and lives in Summit County. For additional information, please call the PASSS Inquiry Line at (330) 375-1674 or Tammy Luhring, (330) 379-1005. If you would like to access a PASSS application, please visit:  PASSS | OhioKAN (Kinship & Adoption

Below is a short description of the post-adoption services available and links to additional information:

  1. Information, support and referral: Adoptive parents can contact the agency to talk with a post-adoption specialist and share information about adoption issues and parenting. Adoptive parents who feel overwhelmed or frustrated often feel relieved when they discover there are other families experiencing some of the same challenges. The post-adoption specialist can refer families to professionals in the community who have experience working with adoptive families.
  2. PASSS (Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy): PASSS is a state-funded subsidy program providing families with funds for services helping to maintain children in their adoptive homes. Examples of services covered by PASSS include counseling, attachment therapy, respite, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Families who reside in Summit County and have an adopted child under the age of 18 are eligible to apply for PASSS. Families living outside of Summit County should apply for PASSS funds in their county of residence. PASSS Applications are now available through the OhioKAN program, Ohio’s Kinship and Adoption Navigator.  Please click on the following link to access the application instructions and materials.  PASSS | OhioKAN (Kinship & Adoption Navigator).  Funding is approved for the entire State Fiscal Year (July 1 – June 30) so families must reapply for funding each State Fiscal Year.
  3. Other Subsidies: State and federal maintenance subsidies provide a monthly stipend to families. Subsidies are designed to assist the family with costs associated with adopting a child. These subsidies are available to families adopting waiting children through Summit County Children Services. A Nonrecurring Adoption Expenses Subsidy is meant to help with one-time expenses directly related to the legal adoption of a child with special needs (ie: court costs, transportation costs, etc.).
  4. Post-adoption Inquiries: Adults who were previously adopted through Summit County Children Services may request non-identifying information about their pre-adoptive history and birth families. Here are instructions on how to submit a Post Adoption Information Request.  All requests are to be mailed to:

    Cassandra Holtzmann, Executive Director
    Summit County Children Services
    264 South Arlington Street
    Akron, OH 44306