The purpose of the Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) is to assist Ohio families after the finalization of their adoption. The subsidy is available to all adoptive families regardless of the type of adoption (international, attorney, public or private agency), with the exception of step-parent adoptions. The child does NOT have to meet either the federal or state definition of special needs to receive this subsidy. Each child may be eligible for up to $10,000 per year ($15,000 if residential treatment is recommended by a qualified professional).
In order to qualify for PASSS the following criteria must be met:
- The child must have a special need consisting of a physical, developmental, mental, or emotional condition.
- The child’s special need must have existed before the adoption was finalized or can be attributed to a pre-adoptive condition.
- The child is less than 18 years of age (or is less than 21 years of age and mentally or physically handicapped).
- The family has explored other sources of assistance, but the resources are inadequate or are not available to meet the needs of the child.
- Expenses are beyond the economic resources of the adoptive family.
- The child is not in the custody of a Public Children Services Agency (PCSA).
- The family resides in the state of Ohio.
PASSS Applications are now available through the OhioKAN program, Ohio’s Kinship and Adoption Navigator.
PASSS | OhioKAN Kinship & Adoption Navigator
The purpose of the Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) is to assist Ohio families after the finalization of their adoption. The subsidy is available to all adoptive families regardless of the type of adoption (international, attorney, public or private agency), with exception of step-parent adoptions. (
There is no fixed income limit in order to receive PASSS funding. The main concern is whether the service your child requires is beyond the family’s ability to provide. Therefore, even if you have a good income, if the cost of service is beyond your economic resources, you may be able to receive assistance.
PASSS is intended to pay for services not covered under other programs in the community, adoption subsidy programs, insurance programs or Medicaid. PASSS funds can be used to cover medical or psychological services that are deemed necessary by a qualified professional, to meet the needs of the child. Respite care and the maintenance costs of residential treatment programs may also be covered under the PASSS program. PASSS will not cover educational services, camps, or dental services/orthodontia.
Once the family submits an application packet to OhioKAN it is submitted to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) for approval or denial of the application. The family is notified in writing of the decision by ODJFS. If you are not in agreement with the decision regarding your PASSS application, then you may apply for a state hearing by contacting ODJFS.
For additional information or to request a PASSS application packet, please call OhioKAN at 1-844-OhioKAN or you can visit their website at