Poster/Slogan Contest
Summit County Children Services is hosting a Poster/Slogan Creative Contest for children in grades K-5 as a part of the observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April 2025. We invite all children who live in or attend school/daycare in Summit County to put their creative thinking caps on and enter! Children can create a poster in school as part of a class project, at home with their family, or in a daycare center or program setting as a special activity. It doesn’t matter where or how – just share your thoughts on what ‘A Family is ’ to you!
Submission deadline is Friday, March 7, 2025.
It is asked that this Contest information be forwarded to the appropriate staff within your school, daycare, or organization so they might be able to have their students participate.
One Grand Prize-winning slogan will be chosen, and it will serve as the theme of SCCS’ 14th Annual Appreciation Breakfast to be held Wednesday, April 30, 2025. The Grand Prize Winner will be recognized at this breakfast and receive a $250 gift card or check, trophy, an Achievement Certificate and be presented with his/her/their winning artwork beautifully matted and framed. All children will receive a Certificate of Participation.
We appreciate your cooperation and participation. If there are questions, please contact Sandy DeLuca, Supervisor, Community Relations at (330) 379-1994 or at [email protected].
Eligibility: Any student in Summit County in grades K through 5
Deadline: Contest entries are due by Friday, March 7, 2025. Entries can be mailed or delivered to Summit County Children Services, 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306, ATTN: Community Relations.
- Posters are to be no larger than 12”x17”
- White or any light shaded paper can be used
- Crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint or chalk (or any combination)
- Entries must include a slogan completing the phrase, “A Family is …” and an illustration that supports the slogan. Prior year’s Grand Prize Winning Slogans CANNOT BE USED. See below
- ENTRIES CANNOT HAVE ARTISTS’ NAMES ON THE FRONT. Please include the following information ON THE BACK of the poster:
- Artist’s first and last name; age; parent name; school name; home address with zip code; contact phone number (home or cell) and email address
- DO NOT: laminate or attach poster to another piece of paper or poster board
- One poster per artist; no team entries will be accepted
- Judging for the Poster/Slogan Contest is done by members of the Executive Team of Summit County Children Services.
- Posters will be judged on originality, creativity, spelling, overall concept (how well the slogan and illustration relate to one another) and how well it represents positive family life.
Awards & Prizes
- All entrants will receive a Certificate of Participation in the contest. Certificates will be mailed.
- One (1) Grand Prize Winner will be selected. This winner will receive a $250 financial prize (check or gift card), trophy and Achievement Certificate. The Grand Prize winner’s slogan will be used as the theme of Summit County Children Services’ Appreciation Breakfast.
- The Grand Prize Winner and up to seven family members will be invited as special guests to the 14th Annual Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday, April 30, 2025. A letter of invitation will be mailed to the winner.
- All entries will be returned to the school or organization after the Grand Prize Winner has been selected.
- The GRAND PRIZE winning poster will become the property of Summit County Children Services. A framed copy of the winning poster will be presented to the winner at the Appreciation Breakfast.
Additional Information: Children of Summit County Children Services’ employees are not eligible to win but may enter the contest and receive a Certificate of Participation.
For more information about Child Abuse Prevention Month and this Creative Contest, contact Summit County Children Services at (330) 379-1994 or at [email protected]
Previous Grand Prize Winning Slogans
- “A Family is Hugs – Not Slugs”
- “A Family is Forever”
- “A Family is Togetherness”
- “A Family is a Season that Never Ends”
- “A Family is a Blooming Garden”
- “A Family is a Connection of Protection”
- “A Family is Glue for the Pieces of Life”
- “A Family is a Light at the End of the Tunnel”
- “A Family is a Garden of Love”
- “A Family is a Knot You Can’t Untie”
- “A Family is a Torch of Love that Never Burns Out”
- “A Family is a Firm Foundation”
- “A Family is Love You Can Bank On”
- “A Family is a Strong Bridge to the Future”
- “A Family is What Colors Our World”
- “A Family is a Fountain of Love”
- “A Family is a Guiding Light”
- “A Family is a Movie with a Happy Ending”
- “A Family is the Marshmallows in the Hot Chocolate of Life”
- “A Family is the Needle and Thread that Sews Us Together”
- “A Family is a Compass that Directs You Throughout Life”
- “A Family is the Frosting on the Cupcake of Life”
- “A Family is the Spice of Life”
- “A Family is Shoes that Walk Me Through Life”
- “A Family is Timeless”
- “A Family is a Tool That Can Fix Everything”
- “A Family is a Key to Open Every Door”
- “A Family is an Apple that’s Great to the Core”
- “A Family is the Sunshine in My Day!”
- “A Family is the Door to Happiness”
- “A Family is the Anchor in Rough Waters”
- “A Family is the Color to my Rainbow”
- “A Family is a Star That Never Stops Shining”
- “A Family is an Umbrella on a Rainy Day”
- “A Family is Legos that Stack Up Together”