
Birthdate:  April 2007

Jordan is a sweet 13-year-old teenager.  He is very affectionate and family oriented and enjoys playing outdoors.  He also enjoys playing video games and board games.  Jordan struggles academically and is a part of the LEAP program and is on a 504 plan.  He is need of additional basic reading and writing skills and is making steady progress now that he is in school consistently.  He does enjoy to snack and you may find him sneaking into the kitchen in between meals.  He is very close to his current caregiver and tries to maintain some contact with some of his biological relatives.  He has the brightest smiles and has no issues expressing his feelings when needed.

For more information about Jordan, contact his caseworker, Judie Sturgill at (330) 379-1812 or by email at [email protected].

Profile created July 2021